Thursday, June 4, 2009

I like to enjoy my coffee... not get ticked off while drinking it!

Today's topic?

The people I work with, who today, I hate!

Okay - so maybe "hate" is a strong word. But let me tell ya, I've been counting to 10, very slowly, all day. I just keep getting madder and madder the longer I work.

It all started this morning... I was sitting at the office, drinking my coffee when the lady who does our in-office training called. We did a session via webinar and she showed me a few things, which made me dig into my client database, which made me uncover a few things that perhaps people would rather I not uncover! BUSTED!!!

A little background on my career. I'm paid 100% commission to sell stuff. I work for a HUGE company who has other people like me, who sell the same stuff, all over the world.

Five years ago when I first started selling stuff, I joined a multi-stuff-selling corporation (a.k.a. MSSC). Which basically means, they have a really large group of clients, so large that they can't service them all. I was brought on board because they needed someone to help service the clients where I live. It was my understanding that the CEO of the MSSC didn't want to service my area any longer, so he wanted someone else to do it. I would get paid for any new business I generated myself and could "fill my boots" with any of the existing clients (less maybe 25 of the CEO's personal clients).

Well, the table has now turned and the CEO is expecting me to be here to service his clients, but doesn't want me to make any money for my work and time.

I know that this may be hard to understand so I'll make it a little more clear.

He's being a greedy bastard and I'm about ready to kick him in A$$!

Phew, that felt good! Not as good as kicking him the A$$ though.

So I need to make a decision... Perhaps I should dissolve my relationship with the MSSC, take MY clients and run!

Or maybe I should just forget all of this bulls**t; stay at home, make bread and collect my cheque at the end of the month.

So many options!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

My every-other Wednesday morning ritual

So, every other Wednesday, at 9:15 a.m., I arrive at my friend's house for coffee and an update.

Today's topic?

The little boy (we'll call him Johnny) who no one wants to invite to their Birthday Party.

We have a dilema. We have this friend, who is a very nice person, but her son is a little bugger!

My son, A, has been coming home since the first day of kindergarten, complaining that this little boy is nasty; he hits, pulls hair, whines, cries, throws his sweater in the urinal (GROSS!!), and always has to be the leader.

I know Johnny's mom, who comes from a very respectful family. She is a very respectful person and is not one of those mother's that thinks her child can do no wrong. She's often said to me, "if you see Johnny doing something that he shouldn't, please tell me!" Really? Does she really want me to? I'm not so sure about that.

The mom is constantly trying to get Johnny to play with the "good" kids in the class but he seems to be attracted to the more agressive kids... the ruffians. Although, he looks kind of odd with the ruffians due to his LL Bean Bookbag, Khaki's and Polos.

If he was wearing a skull and cross bones t-shirt, I'd be telling my son to "stay away from THAT boy!" The Khaki's and Polo's really throw me for a loop.

So A comes home from school and says he's not playing with Johnny ever again 'cause he called him a DORK and he's not going to Science camp if that little Johnny is going too.

I get an email this afternoon from the Mom, inviting A to little Johnny's birthday party. I asked A if he wanted to go (assuming he'll say no, but at least I asked)...he says, "okay."


Kids are so forgiving.

But really, do you think that little Johnny is going to be converted by playing with the "good" kids? I'm not so sure about that!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Tuesday Morning Coffee Rant!

Today's topic?

Lack of sleep and cleaning vomit.

For the past four weeks, 50% of the children in my son's elementary school (population 450) have been home, sick with the flu (okay, I may be exaggerating a little). In one day, there were five children missing from one grade one homeroom. It just keeps going around and around. Some children are even getting it twice!

I have never encountered such an experience in my life! I have three children ages 7, 4 and 2 and they were all struck within the same week. It lasted four days for each of them. My DH and I were up every night for hours on end, rubbing backs, changing bedding, wiping floors and holding heads. This week, I'm feeling the effects of the lack of sleep. Kinda makes me wonder why I decided to have more than one child... I guess you don't expect sickness to happen simultaneously... that only happens in the movies, doesn't it?

Reality Check... No!

Once we seemed to be "in the clear" I was able to disenfect my house, opened all of the windows, washed pillows, toys, etc., in hopes that this terrible virus does not visit our house twice!

Many of the other mothers that I know, discuss tales of the same sort of events when updating their status' on Facebook. I'm sure if you could see all of us right now, we'd be sitting in front of our computers, drinking coffee with dark circles under our eyes and extra wrinkles.